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1. Who we are? (About us) Coaching Suite is a coaching and mentoring services company offering a range of services for individuals and organizations is. It is directed by the Certified Professional Resilience Coach, Yanira Rivera Cruz. Organizational Coaching is aimed at companies and the development of the professional potential of their workerforce, increasing profitability. We assist leaders through the Coaching methodology within the organizational culture, using new techniques with agile, creative and innovative process principles. Our professional standards works under the ethical code of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and their competencies. As a coach I can help develop the ability to accelerate the impact within the organization, as well as promote lifelong learning. It is focus on unlocking the individual’s inner wisdom so that they can solve their own challenges with confidence.

2. What is NOT coaching? Coaching is not mentoring, consulting, therapy, friendship, or sports coaching.

3. Then what is coaching? ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. Professional coaching focuses on setting goals, creating outcomes and managing personal change. Coaching is a process and collaboration that allows individuals and organizations accelerate and move forward. When an individual regains his momentum, his life becomes easier, more peaceful and satisfying. A Coach will not tell you what to do, nor will it give you all the answers. A coach is objective, does not judge, is excellent for listening and will help you discover the strategies and steps that work best for you. As a client, the individual is responsible for the commitment to achieve the agreed steps and for their own success.

4. Who is it for? Individuals, groups and companies.

5. How can your company benefit from coaching? Working a coaching process will allow its leaders and team members the following: • Achieve goals you never thought possible, on a personal and professional level • Acquire new understandings and expand the possibilities • Achieve greater balance in their live

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