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I have come a long way where I learned to love myself, to accept what I am and teach others how they should love me. I am still on the journey of healing from childhood traumas. That path brought me here. To become a Certified Professional Mentor and help others overcome and integrate into their lives past events that make them beautifully resilient.

I am a Certified International Mentor (CIM) and Certified Sherpa Mentor (CMS) under the ethical and professional standards of the “Red Global de Mentores“. My mission here transcends when I accompany people turning tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge, helping to shorten their learning curve.

The souls that I accompany through mentoring, continue to be the protagonists of this space. I can support them so they can turn plans into actions and dreams into realities. By transferring my useful experiences, they will be able to overcome obstacles, fears, beliefs and, in general, those limitations that may be present.

As a Mentor I can share my experiences, my maps, tools, and methods that were key to overcoming my great challenges, but I also share what didn’t work for me.
My life experience is unique and I firmly believe that all those challenges and tests that life has given me have been the greatest blessings, making me beautifully RESILIENT.

What are the topics that I work in Mentoring?

I am passionate about being vulnerable, about living in peace and freedom. Toxic shame, guilt, perfectionism, fear of abandonment, rejection and betrayal were those elements that did not allow me to live fully. So, these are some of the aspects to identify if we want to show ourselves to the world by being genuine and real.

I love being a Mentor and I am here for you!

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